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@  xoxolGoldern : (11 March 2025 - 06:38 PM)

оформляем гражданство , паспорт , загранпаспорт, водительское удостоверение



@  Garant.Pro : (11 March 2025 - 03:11 PM)

Система ДЕПОЗИТ и Безопасность ваших сделок . Гарант КОНТРОЛЬ-СЕРВИС

@  БулочкинАртем : (10 March 2025 - 04:04 PM)

Всем привет. Тут всё ровно и красиво

@  Omyt : (09 March 2025 - 10:05 PM)

Заливы на ваши ЛЮБЫЕ счета и карты

Деньги вывожу с левых счетов и карт . так что ваши карты/кошельки/счета не блокируют от моих переводов!

Перед заливом в каждом случае индивидуально обговариваетя сумма.
деньги серые! не грязь! Все инструкции по обналу будут у вас сразу после оплаты !
Беру себе 30 % от суммы залива!

@  BIBAMAS : (09 March 2025 - 10:04 PM)

Мы работаем со многими юридическими фирмами Европы и в частности Великобритании, которые помогают оформлению гражданства в разных странах . купить литовские водительские права


Гражданство оформляется в короткие сроки от 1 до 3 месяцев ( официально )


Цены от 4000 евро, до 90000 евро, в зависимости от сложности процесса.


Положительный результат в 99,9 %. Всем нашим клиентам бонус приоформлении ( персонально для каждого по желанию )


Все подробности в ЛС .

@  SALE : (09 March 2025 - 10:01 PM)

Здравствуйте , с новичками и непроверенными работаю только через Сервис-Гарант для начала . Вносите депозит гаранту 20к.-100к. и оформим вам кредит невозвратный на 100-800к. Все инструкции после оплаты .

@  CashMan : (09 March 2025 - 10:01 PM)

ПРЕДЛАГАЮ КОПИИ КРЕДИТНЫХ КАРТ С БАЛАНСОМ от $3000 до $25000 за 30% от номинала. Оплата после снятия наличных ( для проверенных ). Доставляем в любой город Мира курьерами ( анонимно ) . Кредитная история не важна. Документы никакие не потребуются. Все быстро. За подробностями в ЛС .

@  AllO : (30 January 2025 - 06:15 PM)

Предлагаю сборник тем по заработку.
Темы самой различной тематики от полностью белых до не очень . Возможно , найдёте тут темы которые всегда у всех на виду а вы даже и не думали )
Стучите в контакты !
Удачной работы!


Новичку нужно начать с того что внести депозит 30 000 р и тогда получите схемы заработка !

@  JEM : (30 January 2025 - 05:41 PM)

Представляем вашему вниманию сервис по продаже скиммеров на банкоматы


Подберем нужную вам модель скиммера по фотографии банкомата, с клавой, полный комплект.

@  KartHacker : (30 January 2025 - 05:39 PM)

Эксклюзивное деловое предложение для тех,кто никак не может выбраться из финансовой ямы и свести дебет с кредитом в собственном кошельке.


Сервис предоставляет на продажу дубликаты валидных карт с пин кодом,карты возможно обналичить в любом банкомате, минимальный баланс по карте 2000 евро или 100 000 рублей . Конвертация любых валют .

@  CashMan : (30 January 2025 - 04:21 PM)

ПРЕДЛАГАЮ КОПИИ КРЕДИТНЫХ КАРТ С БАЛАНСОМ от $3000 до $25000 за 30% от номинала. Оплата после снятия наличных ( для проверенных ). Доставляем в любой город Мира курьерами ( анонимно ) . Кредитная история не важна. Документы никакие не потребуются. Все быстро. За подробностями в ЛС .

@  SAMeNLO : (30 January 2025 - 04:19 PM)

Только тут предлагаю бизнес для всех !!! Оригинальная Схема Обогащения !!!


Работать можно везде где есть комп и инет ! к месту не привязывает ! Весь мир создан для вас !


Стоимость биза составляет 130к Цена поднялась 150 000 рублей . Читайте топик внимательно .


Обучение и все материалы входит в стоимость .


Вы приобретаете Готовый легальный Бизнес .


Такого больше ни где нет .



@  PROSFIN : (30 January 2025 - 04:19 PM)

продам дебетовые и кредитные карты разных банков с балансом и гарантией на весь срок .в наличии и на заказ. предложения в личку

@  AMFETAMIN : (30 January 2025 - 01:55 PM)

Продам готовые банковские карты с БОЛЬШИМИ балансами под ваши нужды .


Карты продаются с полным пакетом документов .


В комплект входит - карта - пин код - сим карта - доступы в онлайн кабинет .


Вы можете как просто обналичить данные карты с мерами безопасности которые мы вам предоставим при заказе , а так же можете оплатить любой товар при покупке онлайн в интернете .


Карть все проверены .

@  TorService : (30 January 2025 - 01:53 PM)

Сделаем заливы на ваши счета ! Есть валюта ! Много валюты ! Срочно сливаем !


ЭПС - ВСЕГДА 30% вам

Все сделки подтверждаю через лс .

Сервис ведет деятельность исключительно в представленном
направлении. Работаем с Постоянными и Проверенными Покупателями на особых условиях .

Новички только через Сервис-Гаранта

@  Techirl : (30 January 2025 - 01:42 PM)

Карты в наличии и под заказ . Продажи карт от 3000$ на счету , стоимость с доставкой по РФ 900$ по курсу

@  Techirl : (30 January 2025 - 01:41 PM)

Особая выгода таких операций, ведь при покупке вы оплачиваете только часть баланса карты, остальное — ваше.
ЦЕНЫ - Если на пластике находится 10 000 долларов, то оплачивается лишь 3000 долларов. Цены у разных фирм отличаются, но редко превышают 30 процентов от средств на карте.
Карты в наличии и под заказ . Продажи карт от 3000$ на счету , стоимость с доставкой по РФ 900$ по курсу
Быстрота получения пластика. Сделав заказ, вы уже через пару дней можете получить его на руки. Скорость обналичивания денег зависит уже от вас.
Снять средства можно в любом банкомате, установленном недалеко от дома. Кредитные карты с балансом имеют долларовую оценку и поэтому обрабатываются любым оператором.

@  Darts : (30 January 2025 - 01:40 PM)

Продам паспорт РФ, паспорт под ваши данные , Купить Загранпаспорт паспорт гражданина РФ с проводкой , изготовление ксив, переклейка паспортов .

@  BIBAMAS : (30 January 2025 - 01:38 PM)

Уважаемые покупатели все заявки пишите сразу в личку


Документы . Паспорта . Водительское Удостоверение .ID карты Литва, Польша, Латвийские права, вид на жительство. Купить водительские права .

@  VoenZnak : (30 January 2025 - 01:36 PM)



Лучший способ никогда не служить в армии - это, конечно же, купить себе военный билет! Вы спросите: "Как можно без службы в армии получить военный билет?" Да легко, конечно, если у Вас есть деньги. Собственно говоря, если у Вас есть деньги, то вопрос как откосить от армии - для Вас не вопрос!


купить удостоверение личности офицера


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Отправлено 18 January 2023 - 08:44 AM

Шаблоны взяты с паблик ресурсов То есть юзаные большим кол-ом скамеров.

Letter 1

Hi !!! I was very glad when I has found out your letter in my mailbox. It is so nice of you! Frankly speaking I couldn’t hope for it. I don’t know what to say in my first letter, because I never got acquainted through internet before.It’s something new and unusual for me. But I’ll try write good letters to you. I suppose you’ll be able to understand my words and what I will say to you. I hope that I'll find somebody, specially for me who can share this day with me!! My birthday on September, 2nd 1980. So as you could understand me I am almost 27 years old. I have a nice light brown hair, also it is possible to tell long. I have green eyes as you can see in my film. Well, my height of a body of 5,6 and weights of 120 kbs. So, also I very much similarly to Sports competitions and everything, that to it connected, I - the borrowed gymnastics, I very much similarly to healthy the image of a life, and I think, similarly to which everyone owes it. I was not married. I think first of all I need to know anything about my man, to spend a lot of time with him and only then I think the time will come and I will be able to decide he is for me or not. I hope that you can understand me. Maybe it's not right but I am afraid of making mistakes. I understand that there is no life without mistakes but … I would like, it has well learned concerning the friend the friend. My search is very serious. Please, try to believe me and to understand me. I wish To find the person who will trust strictly. I would hope, that yours the purposes will be similar, I would like to hear yours Ideas, that you desire during the future. I think, which we should understand and dismantle the friend the friend, and then meet. I would like to know more about your family and to learn a little bit more in detail about your birth ? you probably would like to learn more in detail about my character as I want to know more about your character. I can tell about it only according to mine familiar. I am too open, simple girl. I can tell precisely by myself that the sociable and purposeful woman. I love to be in a circle of the cheerful, clever friends. In a circle of the people which I communicate with, I have not found the man whom would be possible to connect the destiny with. So I am a the work as the realtor of apartments.I have finished the university some years ago.Nick you know that my student's years were the happiest in my life. We had cheerful, friendly company which had time simultaneously well to study and to have a rest. With Internet I work for the first time. Difficultly something to speak about it, you see, you are the first man whom I communicate with the help of Internet. And when your birthday? I will be with impatience wait for your letter. I hope that my photo is pleasant to you. Please, send me your photos, WELL? I very happy shall see them. Your new friend, Elena!

Letter 2

I again write to you ! I have just now reached up to the Internet-cafe as we together with my parents leaved to the grandmother for city, is more exact in small village where silently and easy we met there New Year's holidays. We have very well spent time, first time we gathering in this to year everything, has gathered a lot of relatives that it is good to spend time on this great holiday. I very much hope, that you too have very well met Christmas with the relatives and to you it was for a long time remembered. But I also hope, that our correspondence can will be restored, if you want it... I have taken the first step, having written to you, and I think, that you will answer it! And that you have recollected me I to you again I send the photo, I hope you will love it! See you soon. Sincerely yours Elena

Letter 3

Hi ! I am glad, that you were interested by me and have written to me e-mail. I think it will be right if I begin to tell you about my self first, because it was me who began to write. I’m not sure that you will like my letters, that they will be interesting to you, but if it won’t be so you will write me about it. OK? I very much liked your photos, it was very fine, now I can visually investigate you, please continue to send me it! As you now to understand that I live in Russia instead of where be still, I to want to explain to you why I so to do, I thought that if I to write to you that I from Russia instead of from America you would not began to write that to me and in me would not be interested, I to think that distance it certainly very much an important point, but I to think that through the Internet it is possible to find second half and then distance will not be such important factor in relations even through the Internet, now people worldwide to search for the love in such a way and now they live have family, children. Probably you’ll be surprised that I don’t live in your country. But I hope it don’t shock you. I’m the same like many other ladies in other countries in the world. I’m a usual woman who has hands, legs, a head a heart that is the most important. I think that my heart is very sensitive. I hope you’ll understand it from my letters. I’ll be immensely happy if the distance between us doesn’t afraid you, and you’ll answer me. I shall be very glad if you will write to me also other letters.As it will be interesting to me to learn about your life, family, work and entertainments. Write to me, I shall wait your letter. Sincerely and yours faithfully Elena.

Letter 4

Hi . Have good day.. I waited your letter and was very much Is pleased, when you have written to me. Your structure and I was interesting to me Is pleased, that we begin to learn each other more well and to develop Our acquaintance. I think, that it is an interesting thing, to learn someone Far through the Internet. It is unusual to me, because I a little Is familiar with the Internet. I want to inform you, that I have no the computer At home also I go in Internet - cafe, in free from work time. That To translate my letters to you I use the electronic program The interpreter, because for me is faster and it is convenient to write for you In Russian, and then to translate the letter on English. I hope, That you can understand well my letters. I studied the English language Earlier at school, and after that in college and I understand your letters very well. Only please do not use Reductions of words. While I did not establish the computer in the house, therefore That I have no there telephone. I want To tell to you it is a little about itself. I have I have very good family, I have daddy and mum, they very good people. But I do not have not what brothers and sisters, in family I was one child, and I always, asked mum that at me to be the brother and the sister, but earlier in Russia to be very much hard times to have many children and on this I in family one child. And you have brothers or sisters and how many them? We frequently with parents are chosen together on a camping and We have other entertainments. I live in city Novocheboksarsk the city not of the large size, and in it is a little The people. Basically at us in city various factory and factories. Is present Some restaurant and bar. The city is constructed not by high houses till 3-5 floors. Tell to me about the job. She is pleasant to you? To me My job is pleasant. I very much like to laugh and I respect the people with good By humour. I like to travel. I yet was not far from mine At home, but I dream in the future to visit in different places. I 2-3 times in Week go to be engaged in sports hall, to hold my body in The order. I as to like to play very much volleyball and in tennis when I have free time from work. And you Nick, have any sports in the life? You love Entertainment on a nature? A hunt? fishing? A camping? Some inform me Things about the entertainment. It will be very interesting to me to learn about it. I wait for your letters.
Sincerely yours Elena.

Letter 5

Hi my . How you today? I am glad to receive yours e-mail. I think, that I more seriously now think of acquaintance through the Internet. when you established the structure in a service of acquaintances, you thought of an opportunity to find the man for the serious relations? Be you can did it to have a small entertainment? Inform me about it please. Inform me, why you have decided to get acquainted in the Internet, instead of in the street. I in the life had no good acquaintances in the street. I think, that if the man specially uses a service of acquaintances, it has serious intentions to find the special man for himself. To me told about many games on the Internet, but I hope, that you the serious man. I would like, that you wrote to me the small story, how the usual man in your country lives. At our peoples different culture and life, and I think this story will help me better to understand you. I think, that on TV tell not always truth, and I never do opinion on the other people from the TV set. I hope, that will not tell some things about it tiresome for you. With what importance of family in your country and what opinion at you concerning it. I heard, that the American women frivolously concern to family, that for them their career is more important. And some women marry and at once do divorce to take half of money from the husband. It is the truth?. It is very difficult to me to understand it. I think, that the creation of family is very important in life and it is impossible to play by feelings of other people and to have the large purse from it. I already informed to you, that I have a work, which takes away from me a lot of free time. My salary not so large, but suffices to me for life and I frequently am helped by my parents. but I all the same to like the job and I do not want in the future me this job. what you have opinion rather importance of education in life? Together to me please opinions. Dear now it is time to me to go home. I shall write to you tomorrow. I wait for your letters. Yours Elena.

Letter 6

Hi dear . I am pleased to receive e-mail from you. Your letter had the interesting information for me. I am very grateful to you that you have answered all my questions, it was very interesting to me to study in details you, you very beautifully argue! Today at work I thought of you and these ideas were pleasant for me, it was pleasant to me to realize there is a man, which reads my ideas and writes that that specially for me. write to me what foodstuffs to you it is pleasant. Mine parents very much love the foodstuffs, which I prepare on kitchen. There can be sometime I can prepare for you yours favourite foodstuffs. To you it was pleasantly? Me very much like different sweet things, such as a pie, cake, sweet. But frequently I do not permit itself to have it to not be thick. Still I love beautiful clothes and different things of light colours. I like of light tone, such as light-blue, pink, beige. And what your favourite colour? I love modern music of the different countries also I love to dance. what music it is pleasant to you? You dance? My friends speak, that I not bad dance. I love to go on a discoteque, very much I love to be in a bar with the friends and look at cinemas various films with a strong sound. To me as film very much is pleasant to look the Brazilian teleserials about love, these lovely and romantic. Now days a lot of foreign films are on the screen in Russia. Foreign cinema is widely spread in Russia. I like such old American films as Gladiator, Brave Heart. Mel Gibson is a good actor. New films are also interesting to me. I have seen “ The chronicles of Riddick ” and “ Another vs Predator ” recently. I liked it. I have some favourite shows. For example - "Wildlife" from BBC. They show the most beautiful views of nature and animals. I like to watch programs about nature and animals very mach! Criminal programs have the biggest rating on TV, because here TV reporters tell about crimes occurring during a day or a week, they tell about leaders and authorities of criminal business in Russia, juvenile murderers and racists, addicts, maniacs, etc. You know the level of crimes is extremely high in Russia. The majority of our country like to watch these programs. But I hate to do it. What you love to do in free time? You love evening walk? Today with the mum I did small travel on shops, we did some purchases for houses. I told to the mum about our acquaintance, she has told, that would like to see you. For my mum it is important, that I got acquainted with good man also was happy. Yours the family has special opinion concerning yours personal of life? Or, probably, you think, that it only your personal business? Now I finish the letter and I shall be expect your letter. Yours Elena .

Letter 7

Hi lovely ! I am very touched by your photos, you the present patriot, is pleasant to me a course of your ideas as all of you to me have told it, for me it was very cognitive, thanks! I today waited the break at work to come in Internet - cafe and to read yours e-mail. tell me honourly, and you wait for my letters? To me would like to learn about your ideas concerning our acquaintance. Whether you have any ideas on learning me better. I very much would want to learn more close about that with what you the man. Probably you have to me any frank questions? You have now any woman or you the lonely man? I consider you as the good man and I think, that you to like many women. You want to me to tell about the last experience with the women? I had in the past some relations with the men, but they brought to me only one disappointments. I have lost hope to meet the good man in the city for creation of family. Our men accept a lot of alcohol and at all do not respect the wives and children. At them on mind only entertainments and they can not well care of family. Write to me please, what you are good family? What you would want to have family and relation in it? I with impatience shall wait yours e-mail. with each your letter I more well understand with what you inside man, what at you ideals. I like to read, when you tell about yourselves. Always I wait for your letters. Kiss you. Your Elena.

Letter 8

Hi my lovely . How you today? I hope, that you OK. I am grateful to you that you constantly answer my questions, it gives me a lot of information on you, and here on the invoice of my work, I wrote to you in the very first letter, that I I work as the realtor of apartments, probably you simply have not noticed. are pleasant to read me your letters. Our exchange of opinions is interesting to me and I think, that now I can make some opinion on what your character. Earlier I was sure, that is unreal to have attachment to the man and mark to it the large sympathy, if not met it and did not carry out with him together time. But now I feel pleasure, when I have yours e-mail, I think of you and sometimes I have sadly, when I think, that we far. I very much would want, when I come back from work to come to you in the visitors, to bring with myself any tasty pie. We could drink tea, and then together to go for a walk. Probably it would be wonderful. I feel sadly, because we have the relation only through the Internet. Sometimes there is a desire to embrace and to be near to the man. I frequently, when I be in cafe I see various pairs people, I look as they embrace each other, nice talk and then I am sharper I feel the loneliness. I do not know, whether you have feeling of loneliness. If you too feel it then you understand me and know, that frequently would be desirable, that a line was the man, which will support always and to understand you, will help at any time you and to console you. Nick, I would like to learn your opinion doing our acquaintance by more serious. Probably, we could meet and carry out some time together. It would be very good. What you dear , think concerning it? For me it is very important to know, whether you want to have more serious relations with me, than letter. Inform me please ideas concerning it.
Kiss and embrace. Yours Elena.


Letter 1

Hello Randy!
I so ready today to receive a mail from you! And I so glad to see,
that you received my mail and answered! And I so happy that you understood my entire letter! Electronic mail workin so fast!! I would like to continue our correspondence and I hope you too!
So, I have to write you a little about me.
My town is Dubovka about 15000 people here. It's old town. We have some very old Churches with very olds Icons here. I was born here but leaved this place one time when I was studing in the Volgograd Univercity.Dubovka is a very small town and only a couple of people here have their own phones with internatio nl connecion. But several moth ago we have Internet club here and its no much popular cause of cost much. Now it get cheaper first sevice it is email. The only way for me to write you is to get here and pay for time at computer to write you.But if send only letter cost no much, use internet like meet people cost much. I know that in America almost in each home has Internet. In my country it will be too.
My friends say I'm very cheerful, attractive and devoted woman,
and I will not leave my friend in trouble. I like to cook very much and I am cooking always only by myself. When I was a young girl my aunt has learned me good cook I have good practicks when was student and have been far from home. I like to cook many meanl's from meat,
chicken, I like salads, fish. I like eat too, no only cooking. I like soups and potatos and red fish with fried onions. But it better no eat to much cause of care about body wight. I like fruits grapes, persimmon,
peach, appricot, here we have no many fruits but my aunt have garden and there is appels tree. I like drink coffee and clear carbonate water. Alchocol? Red wine, no dry and a bit lite bear with cheaps. But I don't drink a lots, only sometimes at holidays. I do not smoke also.
My father works likes a pediatrist in your hospital. He has cured many children in our town. He is 65 yes old but still work. He very known and respect person here. He has a lot of business trips in other close cities. They are not very far. He like forest, soccer and me.
I have no mother. Its not easy for me to say about it. She died in a road accident when I was 2 years old. My father love her very much and its a very big loss for him. I know a little about she, only from my father told me. Now my father has another family, but we love each < BR>other very much and I am always going to him at weekends. Now I living with my aunt. When I was a young girl I lived with my father.
And all home businesses depended on me. That's why I think I am independent woman. I like only honest and open people even if its bad. I hope I can be good housewife. And I would like to find a man to give him all my care and love and to get this back.
I would like to tell you about how I get idea to write you a letter but its seems I have no much time now. I will write you about it at my next letter.
Looking forward to hear from you tomorrow, Alevtina P.S. Thank you for the pics you are very attractive man.

Letter 2

Very sadly when there is no the letter from you. Why you do not write to me?

Letter 3

I'm very happy get letter from you! Thank you for responce. As I had to promise - I'm sending my pictures today. Please send me more of your pictures. I dont know why but I cannot put it in my profile.
First of all please let me know can you understand me or not. I don't sure in my English. I speak on English little bit worse,
than I write.
But I think, that it only lack of practice. I hope you will understand me and may be help me to study English more.
So, something about me: I am from Russia, I live in town Dubovka. It's a very small town. There are no much big cities near it.
The largest is Volgograd. Tell to me a bout your city. Do you like place where you life?
My birthday is December 21. When is your birthday? I'm 28 years old, I'm single and I never have been married and I have no kids. I am 5'7'' and weigh about 54 kg. My eyes is green. My hair is blonde.
I like a chocolate ice-cream and red roses. I do not drive a car. I graduated from our States University, which is situated in Volgograd. My specialty is economical managment. It is very popular speciality in Russia.
I'm seriously looking for the right one man for me with who I can spend rest of my life, but first we should become good friends. I search for my soulmate, to share with him all my happyness and troubles. And love. I dont like to play in any soul games.
I need to find real man for love and I hope its you.
Please write me and say what you think about this all. Its will be so pleasant for me to get answer from you! I will be waiting it with impatience!

Letter 4

Very sadly when there is no the letter from you. Why you do not write to me?

Letter 5

My dear Randy!
Is recieving mail from you, really makes my day so much better. I feel so unusual urself cause of know some one so far from me. I like read you letter, I like wait when your letter download, I'll be feel sad if no letter from you, from this time. I am so happy that I have you as my friend!
The weather, ok, the last two days it warm and sunshine. I like summer best of all, but winter can to be next. There is alot more to do outside too. I like comen back from cold street in warm home, and watch TV with hot tea. Most I like skied and it is so beautiful when all looking white. But summer it can swim and to bec ome tanned walk in forest, work in garden . I like camping in childhood it happend often now no good company for. I like rain in the Summer.
Randy do you have hobby? Music? Home animal? maybe better say pets? I like very much American music I like Elvis Presley, Phil Colins, Brian Adams, Madonna, Russian music is no my favorite, I like watch movie, I can watch all type of movie drama love story comedy triller action,
but flim must very good, I no like spend time on bad movie. I like "roman with stone" I like Forest gamp, and I like Al Pachino, and Tom Hanks, and television series "Friends". What kinds of sport do you like more? Best of all I like valleyball, waterpool,
boxing, swimming,
ice skiing.
I have a male cat called Bugorok. When I got home from work, he at the door waiting me or running to it. I had him from when he was 3 weeks old. To grow him was no easy is so b ad eater, cannot eat much but allway like to play. I like cats and also I like dogs.
At all my life I had only two boyfriends. I am very attached person and if I becoming love someone I am ready to be with him for all my life. I always thinking that if people love each other they have to fogive another's mistakes. My first boyfriend was at school till therd year of univercity. Then he had to leave with his parents to Byelorussia, and we left. We was a good friends, and he wrote me couple of letters but now he is married. We lived like a brother and sister. Then I met another boy, but after three months of communicating he became to drink a lot and became very ungry for anyone. He leaves from univercity and he lies me a lot. I did not imagine what happened with him. Then they take him to army and after last talk with him, I understood, that its not my choice.
I dont think that he loved me. Anyway I would not like to continue any relations with him and to say a true, I would not like to have any relations with any Russian man. And I am so happy that I met you and its mean so much for me!
Dear Randy now every day when I go to bed I reading your letters before sleep and I am always thinking about you when I waking up. It's my first thoughts! Please write me more about you, about your mood,
about what are you doing these days!
Your russian friend, Alevtina

Letter 6

I becoming attached to your letters and I like it very much.
Its seems it become mean for me more and more!
So, how are you today? Today is a best weather here. Small wind with bit sun and very fresh air cause of yesterday night was rain.
What you know about russia? Here is all growing up, communism was bad idea for Russia, and most of people glad that it over. How long winter do you have there where you live? Our usual is five month, like in most of Russia we have strong frost each winter is about -40 -50 C.
I like winters but if you life in hause and have your own heating this good you can life winter good if have fire-wood or solid fuel in villages and gas heat in my town and others. If use electricity power it cost much money in my country. Most of appartamets of big city that have district heating it is some time no good work in winter .
In my country we never have big earthquake's, hurricane's or other terrible cataclysm. That my country is no reach - it is right, only Moscow and St. Peterburg is very reach city's other have moderate level of life,
In my country we have no good car manufactures, so never buy russian car, my dad have one and spend many time in garage to repair it. I cannot drive, but I would like to get study it, may be some day will have my own car.
My dear its a little confuse me, but I would like to share my dream with you. Today night I saw that we sat together at a coast of a big lake. I have not seen this lake early, but it was so beau tiful and quiet, and barrels an easy warm breeze. We looked at night sky and we see nice moon and a lots of stars which was reflected in a mirrow of water. It was so good and I feeled your strong arms on my shoulders.
We spoke about us and about our feelings to each other. I imagined that we had to tell each other something important, that will change all our future. But at this moment I waked up but I had impression from this dream for a long time. It was so real, that when I understood that it's only a dream, I was very sad. I have never feeled such feelings. And I believe that someday this dream become true!
My dear I often think about you and about our relations.
It seems to me that every day we become closer. We know more about each other and I like all that you wrote me. So, I will go home now to think about this all. I hope I did not confused you with my dream.
What do you think about this all?
Yes, maybe we can have post address of each other here is my and I wait yours.
433240 Russia,
City: Dubovka
Street: Lenina
House: 12
Volgunova Alevtina
Hug you, Alephtina

Letter 7

Hello, my dear Randy!
It is so great that you write me today my day is no bad. I got home from work later what a beautiful daybut it only was. The sun is shining all long day but, I watch it only from my window. This time of year job no doing well, and work no easy with many papers but soon here will be stay computer, like in internet place but without internet connection.I also think about to find other job. My vocation soon and I hope to spend much time to take rest. I still have no plane about my vocation.
Today dad ask me how I'm doing, while I have prepared supper for him,
I told him about us and about our correspondenc e. He was really surprised to know that I meet you through Internet. He asked me how I did it and asked who are you? He asked where you work and asked a lot about you. He asked if I wrote you first or you first wrote me.
answered for all his questions. He likes you very much and he askes me to say hallo from him. He good man never talk more and always doing what to say, he never lie me.
My dear Randy! What do you thinking about our relations? What does it mean for you? Please tell me, it's very important for me.Can you imagine our relations in the future? How much does it serious?
Please say sincerely me, I like always true, as bad it can be. As for me I think, you are the man which I seeking for all my life. You looks like very seriouse, intelligent, reliable and responsible man. A man of my dream. I understand that may be I mistaken, but I believe that you are that man that I imagi ne from your letters.
Dear Randy I very much want that you have sent me something,
but I am afraid that if you will send something valuable it will not reach, it can steal on mail and it will be not possible to prove that someone has sent something, and guilty will not find, life in Russia is those,
we have already got used to such arbitrariness and consequently we send by mail only cards in an envelope, cards who does not steal because of their uselessness.
It so sad that we have no any other communications that e-mail.
We so far from each other . I so would like to hear your voice!!! I have phone on my work place but it is useless for internetional calls, but don't be sad. Soon (I hope), I will make a business trip to Saratov and may be I will have a chance to call you from there. You can hear my English it should be funny for me cause of my accent.
Well it is time for me t o go now, kiss you hug you and will pray for you, your's Alevtina

Letter 8

Hi my sweetheart Randy!
I hope you doing well, please take care about yourself till I come,
when I come I will care about you, I have no work today , and just come back from city, and met my dad, Today we have another seriously talking about us (you and me) more precisely to tell about my coming to America. He can't understand, why I found my soulmate so far from me, but he understands that if I love someone, nothing can stop me.
Its seems he like you. He is very glad for me that I met a man who I seeked for a long time. He believes in you and he trusts you. I asked him a lot about our future how it can be. He told me t hat we have to meet first and then to decide what to do. He hopes all will be fine in our relations.
When I come to you I will have no much money, and this is problem for me now. How do you think? Can I find job in your country? I can do many things, I know that I cannot be citizen of your country soon and even maybe never, I know if you no citizen of America than job seek will be no easy, can you help me with job?
Another news: I went in Volgograd Visa Agency and have found out about possible get visa for me or not, I take with me my personals information , they ask me to take care about this befor, they check my personals information and Manager of Agency get stay me on queue of registration. Yes, he told me that I have chance to make a visa and to get it approved. Visa process still no begin cause of need to chose type of visa and pay for it.
So, here is information ab out visas that work out, here is only three type, Business visa to no bad but need "busienss" reason for travel.
1). Guest visa: B1\B2. It allows me to come to your country for period from 1 day till 1 year, after expiration of date I must get back in Russia. It cost 150 US dollars for Visa Agency service and plus 110 dollars for Consular gathering (for American Embassy). To get this visa will take 2 - 3 weeks.
2). Tourist visa, status B1\B2. Allow to stay in America no more 3 month. It cost 110 dollars to Consular gathering (Embassy) 100 dollars for Agency service and must have the medical insurance it as.
Guest visa no immigration visa, to get this visa will take maximum three week too.
3). Visa of the Bride, K1 visa. This visa is immigration, I can stay in America forever, but it is cost much money to get such visa I need think about cost ticket too.
I'm ab le all tipe of visa by my self except visa of the bride.
Randy, how do you think, which visa is better for us? Tomorrow I have also most importan day for I will try to get news about a cost of the ticket. Cross fingers on luck, I hope I have enough money.
When we shall have all information we shall decide how to do I hope you will have nice day there, I must go home get warm bath and dream about you!
Only Yours, Alevtina

Letter 9

My love Randy!
As you could so think, that I deceived you. I never in life would allow itself to deceive you - the person whom I have grown fond. To deceive you will not allow to me my love to you and belief in good people and in kindness and cleanliness of relations . I understand,
that you have ceased to trust me and it has broken my heart. I trusted that has found the person whom love and with which I want to live the life, to link life.
It is very hard for me to write and realize it that I lose the person whom find for very long years. I do not know, who here is guilty also who right, but know, that I love you and I shall always like. For me there are no barriers in my love to you. I know you consider that I deceive you, I cannot dissuade you from it. I speak all this in all sincerity. As though you have acted,
know, that we can lose each other and more never meet. I do not know,
whether you will believe me whether or not, but I want to be only with you and more with anybody.
Forever yours, Alevtina

Letter 10

My dear where are you? Why you did not write me? I am very serious about you! I like you! Please write back.

Letter 11

My sweetheart Randy!
Soon my love we will be able to hold hands and each other closely. We will be able to kiss each other for real. Oh, how sweet will be when we be together!!!!!!! I have never in my life felt so good and truth about a love like i have for you. And it grows stronger every day. If our love were a tree we would be the tallest tree in the world.
We would be full and beautiful. We would stand out in the forest as the trees around us would be smaller and lonely looking.
Today we had a greatest holiday of out town. It was the Day of City.
There are lots of flags, baloons, fireworks and shows. I was so sad,
that you were not with me, I would like to hug you or just keep your hand. That so important for me now, that's my dream. I like such holidays. All people look very happy.
Today I was in bank and learned about transfer of money from America to Russia. I ask clerk in the bank about transferring money, he said that the best way is to use western union system and he said,
that everybody in America know how does it works. I did not hear much about this system of money transferring and I just searched Internet for this to read something about it. And I found this site, where anybody can get nearest bank, which included to western union system.
Here it is: http://www.westernunion.com . You can visit it and look how does it works.
Then the clerk has told to me is necessary to use control number in transfer of money (MTCN) . You will receive this number at bank and you have to give it to me. I need this code, your name, your adress and your zip code to get money. The clerk has told that without MTCN it is practically impossible to receive money.
Closest bank where is western union is:
Name of the bank: PETROCOMMERCE BANK
Address of the bank: LENINA, 102
zip: 400005
Phone: (7 ) (844 ) 231586
Its seems all information that you need to send me money is my name and my surname. You know my name, it is Alevtina and my sirname is Volgunova. Please let me know is this information enough for you?
Please let me know.
I kiss you and hug you, my love!
Forever yours, Alevtina

================================================== =====

Letter 1

hello Jerry,
Glad to read your mail again. i really appreciate that alot.
So Nice to read alot about you which gives me great insigth of who you are I would be glad to tell more about me as well and i would prefer to start by telling you why i ran away from my father's land ,poland If you could recollect i once told you i left my father's land cos i wanted to run away from my past,my past i meant was mainly my past and last relationship which was nothing to write home about, it all happened that i and my ex boyfriend were both in love for years and that was in poland.
We met shorthly i got admission to the university It was during our relationship my parent died in an auto accident which my elder brother took over the company with the aim of me joining him in control of the company after my graduation from the universtiy cos i was already in 3 hundred level remaining a year to graduate.
During our courthship i never had any negative things in mind towards our relationship cos am a kind of person that do things openminded with whoever am dealing with to the extent that i had turned down many men's offer who wanted my hand in marriage cos of my so called boyfriend.
There was a day i went to his house without informing him and i did so cos of the negative attitude had been noticing in him, getting to his house, his door was locked, i entered with a spare key of his which is always with me,getting to his room i met him on bed with another girl.After all that, i forgave him when he came to apologies cos am kind of person that easily forgive and forget things cos i believe relationship is all about for better and for worse,later after some months he did some thing which brooke the back of our relationship.
He travelled to germany with all the money in our joint account which i had the largest contribution , and you would'nt believe it was all the allowances my brother did remitte to my account monthly out of the total profit of our father company i did transfered to our joint account which my ex b f travelled with all my share money in the joint account, not that the money was painful to me but the must painful thing was that i so much trusted and loved him that i never believe he could do such a thing cos of money and how i wish he knew how much i loved him but he took all he did to me to be the priority.
Shorthly after he did that i was in need of some money for my final project in school which my brother had already paid all the money i would be needing for my project into my account in advance which i later transfered them all to the joint account b4 my ex travelled to germany,so i could'nt go back to him cos he would be wondering what happened to all the money in my account,later he got to know all that was hiding to him how my ex b f betrayed and duped me.
He felt embittered and said all sort of words to me that ,was that how i would be managing our father's company by the time i join him,spend money lavishly cos up till now he never believe my ex b f duped me cos he knew i could never decensed so low to that extent of putting all money in a joint account with my ex,but then i was badly in love that i did everything to make i and my ex b f became one but to no avail i was paid with eveil.
Later after 4month of being lonely without giving any man the chance to come into my life.i came across an australian man called Mr Williams on internet,we began friendship which after some time we both fell in love thenwe decided to lessen the distance between us cos i believe relationship needs closeness for it to grow more wider.
I made up my mind on that so i decided to travel to australia,the whole travel expense then was 2,305$ which i took responsibilites of the whole thing myself cos i so much believe in committment which i did that to show great sign of committment to our relationship.He was the one who came to pick me at the airport.he took me to so many places and showed me many places.It was all fun.
On the third day he went to his office to sumbit some docunment which he said he would be back in two hours time and then have had it in mind that i will make him feel like a real man when he returns cos we haven't made love together,after he left out some minutes later a someone knocked at the door ,i went to open to open the door to find out it was a woman at the door.
I asked who she was asking after,she replied that she ougth to be the one asking me such question,she further explained that she is Mrs Willams,she said she was meant to be out of town on official assigmnet which after 5 months her official assigment was postponed so she had to come back home to her husband and the little boy is their son meanwhile the asshole Mr williams lied to me he was a divorcee,could you imagine.I never altered any words ,what i did next was went inside striagth away to pack my belongining and fly back to poland on the nearest fligth.
After three days he wrote me pleading to me that he never meant to hurt me the way he did,that he never knew his wife would be back so soon.
Furthermore you wouldn't believe that after all that i went thru i never gave any man chance for good 9 months, i never gave chance to be loved and love for good nine months cos my heart was badly wounded,it was later i decided to came down to the UK,to take control of our father's orphanage home in wales and i thank GOD life has been going smoothly for me and my past has been wiping away from my memory gradaully.This just my second year in the uk and i thank GOD have been coping with the life style here,despite i don't have any intimate friends here.
About my dreams, One of my greatest dream that hasn't come to reality is getting the rigth man cos it is the wish of every woman that loves peace, joy and happiness to get married to the rigth man and not the wrong person cos it takes two to tango, someone that will forever love me,that will be close to me like my parent,and that will appreciate me being his wife. Furthermore one of my dreams in life is to make far above the sky to be my limit.To always be in a postion to bring an end to any existing or forthcomming wars and also be in a position to always bring happiness into people's life.

Letter 2

My love who is so far away, every day I wish you were here with me, holding me tight in your strong arms. Every night I lay in my bed dreaming of you, so sweet and peaceful. You're the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. Missing you so much is breaking my heart into many pieces. I wish you would come to me, my love. I love you more then anything in this world. I want to walk on the beach with you. It would be so peaceful and romantic as we sit and watch the sun as it sets.
Being with you makes me happy. You keep me alive. I'm so lucky I found you, the man of my dreams. I hope I never lose you, if I did then it would break my heart so badly. Thinking of you makes me smile 'cause knowing that you love me so much means the world to me. You're so sweet like the smell of roses and you're so romantic like the sunset. Your love is what's keeping me strong. I am so depressed right now and your love is all that is keeping me strong. I love you so much. I can wait to be with you physically one day. Forever that is.
Sweetie am glad you are willinging to show great sign of impact in my great efforts here .My heart and soul so much desire that you should have an impact in my efforts here cos i believe in a saying that goes that behind every successful woman ,definiately there must be a wonderful and lovely husband ,so i want you to always be the man behind my success in anything i do on earth .
Infact i would be so very much happy to have your name in the list of our donors and not just that but i want your name to be among the top donors that has sent in great donations and the highest so far is 250 pounds,well i don't know if these is too much to ask of you my wonderful sweetheart.
My reason for this is coa i want you to have a great impact in the greatest blessing God almigth has for people like me and other staff of the home and also great people that has sent in donations so far cos i believe IT'S ONE OF THE GREATEST THING GOD ALMIGTH WILL EVER APPRECIATE FROM WE HUMAN BEING ,I.E PLAYING A GREAT ROLE IN SAVING HUMANITIES ON EARTH AND ALSO HAVE IT IN MIN THAT IT'S NEVER POSSIBLE FOR GIVERS TO LACK.
Sweetie,you could have it sent via western union money transfer,be it via online on your credit card if known you won't be chanced to go to any of their outlets cos sunday is the fund raising program and all funds would be calculated and announced on that day,so all funds are meant to have been in b4 then.
Hone have it sent to our treasuere who is in charge of funds.
name:Adesola Adeite
Sweetie after sending it you will email me infos i will forward to our treasure infos such as total amount sent sender's name and address in full
Honey i need to go have my bath now

Letter 3

So heartwarming to read that you arrived mexico saftetly,may the good lord contiune to always see you thru in all your trips,so there's no chance of chatting with you tonigth if the hotel is not connected on internet,well i will really miss you so very much
You brought love and laughter to my empty, sad and boring life. My heart had known only emptiness until the day you came and filled my heart to overflowing with your jovial ways. Your sense of humor has turned my frown into a smile.
You taught me how to love again, you taught me to give and receive love by trusting in you and believing. You taught me to go the extra mile. And though there are miles between us, I never stop thinking of you, you have brought a change into my life and my heart is forever yours.
I can never forget you, or keep thoughts of you out of my mind. I think of your sweet lips and kisses, feel them as if it was yesterday. Thoughts of you warm my heart. You complete me, you are everything my heart desire.
Hope to read from you again and lest i forget ,did you get the infos i gave you on how to send in your donation.
Hope to read from you again soon

Letter 4

Honey am damm tired,we just finished the cleaning up of the whole places,so i decided to come online to write you b4 i go have my shower then go to bed.
Honey today would remain ever green in my memory as a red letter day as the fund raising program went very wonderful .Honey thank God we were able to raise up to 2,950 pounds sterling which is almost equivalent to 5,100$.Honey am very glad and happy that God was on our side today as the whole thing went very well.
But the amount i told you hasn't be putten into record cos i told our treasuere that you will still be sending in yours so he announced it to the public that the total amount is still pending cos there is one more person who is still sending in his own donation .
If I haven't told you - I am so lucky to have you in my life. I adore and love you so much! You are a wonderful man and words cannot convey how much you mean to me. Just thinking about these feelings makes me tingle all over - to this day I still have butterflies in my stomach just like the ones I had at the Melting Pot. I feel like these feelings should be left for teenagers only - I don't know if you understand what I am saying: it feels great to actually love and be love in return. I never feel less or more when I am with you; you always make me feel needed.
You are a very giving man in every way (yes I am spoiled), and most of all you make me feel safe, emotionally and mentally. Thank you for being part of my life. I'm very happy with you and I could not ask for a better man than you. Thank you for loving me despite of my shortcomings and emotional rollercoastering. Thank you for being an exceptional man - you are one of a kind!
Honey am very tired .i need to stop here now,i hope to chat with you tomorrow morning and hope you atre doing great over there
love you

Letter 5

Hey Honey,i was shocked why you suddenly logged out on me when we were chatting,i wondered was it cos i reminded you of the donation you promised to send which is the only thing delaying us from balancing up the records.
Well i wouldn't want to jump into conclusion on that for now cos am still wondering why you suddenly logged out on me without even saying bye for now which is very unsual of you.
Well sweetie if is cos of the donation i requested of you, then i want you to see it as a great previledge me asking you to show great sign of commitment to my efforts here all cos it's my heart desire that your name to be in the record of those donors cos this fund raising program is my first ever organised program which i did purposely for the development of our orphanage home cos i believe funds from the public,world organisation e.t.c are the only way orphanage homes could develop cos the orphans are not mean to be abandon and they are to be given better and great life .
And i see it to be no crime to have your name on the record of those donor cos this is my first ever organised program Well i have to stop here now and talk to you later.
have a nice and wonderful day.

Letter 6

Hi Honey,
As i was about to logg off i found my brother's messages awaiting me .
What i read from my brother's message make me think i will strongly need your great assistance based on the trust i have in you that you can never betray me .
Sweetheart,if remembered i told you this morning about one of our kids in our orphangage home who is having heart problem and her operation will be due in few weeks time.
Meanwhile there's one of my brother's client who is an american who is oweing us some amount of money, which is the money we intend using for the little girl's operation and now i read from my brother that this client of his said he is presently somewhere in asia on business trip and won't be back to the states untill may and where he is he can't make use of western union cos no western union is available over there,so there's no way he could send the money to us,so he suggested that the only thing he could do is we getting him someone's name and address in the united states ,someone we trust wholeheartedly ,so that he can send united states money orders to the person so the person could help us cash it and send the money to us since the money is needed on time for the little girl's operation
So after reading my brother's message,you were the first and only that comes to my mind cos i know i can have my 100% trust in you and you are the only person i know in the states so sweetbabyboy all needed from yo is your name and address in full so i can have it forwarded to him so he can have the money orders issued on your name and have it sent to you.
your babygirl
i serious await to hear from you again

Letter 7

Hey Sweetheart
So heart warming to come onlien to read your lovely messages.
Sorry to read you were so tired yesterday when you went for the long drive,well i believe it's always good to get engaged in excerises at times so as to always keep one very fit just .
About the request i was seeking from you,is about my brother's client who was oweing us some amount of money and it's the money we want to use for the little girl's operation,the girl in our orphanage home who is having heart operation.So this client of my brother said where he was at the moment that he can use western union as he doesn't have much cash on him ,that all he could do for us is get someone's name and address in the usa so he can send usa postal money orders to the person so the person could help us cash it and have it sent to us since the money is needed so urgently for the little girls operation,so sweetheart i want you to assist me on this based on the trust i have in you,so all needed from you is your name and address ,so i can give it to my brother so he could forward it to his client so he could have the usa postal money orders sent to you so you could have it cashed for us and send the money to us,
Honey i wanted you to know how truly I deeply love you and how much I deeply care for you. We've been together for weeks now and nothing could change the way I feel about you and us as a couple. You are my one and only. I don't think there could ever be enough words in this world that could really capture how I truly feel about you. I love you so much; I just don't know how I could ever explain it. But I do know that the one person I can count on always is you. I hope you knew this and if you didn't, hopefully you'll know this now and forever. I love you very much.
Hope you now understand better what my request is .
love you hope to read from you soonest

Letter 8

I am just lying here, looking at your pictures, wishing for the day you and I meet, hoping and praying to God that our lord brings us together expediently.
I sit here pondering what life will be with you beside me. Sharing our thoughts and ideas towards what the future holds. You and I are hundreds of miles apart. Yet I feel as if you are here right beside me watching me as I write this letter. Your passion spans distances unforeseen by the naked eye, reaching me in ways I never thought possible. Your spirit soars above me, watching over me like a protective angel. Your heart beats in unison with mine growing stronger and with fuller life with each passing moment.
You have proven to me your love for me is stronger and greater than distances never reached.
I love you. I am in love with you; I open my heart to you. I ask that you take my heart and treat it as if it is your own.
Honey as i told you in the chat this morning that i will be needing your assistance financially in getting thinsg for the kids and also do part for the staff of the house.I plan doing this b4 i leave next wednesday and i planing to choose sunday for the party to be held.I need your assistance cos i have spent alot of money on paying the bills and also with the renovation cos i added some of my own funds to ensure all goes well.
So if possible you could help me raise upto 600$ i will be very appreciative cos i will also need to do some shopping for myself .Honey have the funds sent via western union money transfer on this name
love you so very much
hope to read from you soonest

Hi, Bill!
I am fine today, and you? I have some free minutes now from my work, but soon i must go back to my work. My day was little busy, i had so many work today. But now i have rest and i want to spend my free time in writing letter to you. You are so good and sweet man, i really like you. And think about you often, sometimes i dreamed about you at night. I never been in your country, it is pity, i think you have a lot of great places, like in my country. tell me more about you and send your pic please? i am 21 years old, do you think that i am too young for you? What i do in my free time, well, i spend it with friends, i like dancing, movie, go to the theatre. YOu know, my dear Bill, i think about you very often, i do not know what happened with me, but you are so sweet and good. Well, i will wait for your next letter, miss you very much, Little sweet kiss for you, YOur Yana

#2 Топор


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Отправлено 21 January 2023 - 10:26 PM

Hello, my dear Bill!
how are you now? i am fine and so happy read letters from you! oh, how i was glad to get letter from you today! you make me my day! Your letters are like sun! it warm me so much! As i wrote i am fine today, my mum is ok too. I woke up today at 7 Am, i make breakfest, then i went shopping. And now i am in the Internet cafe and writing letter to you, my dear Bill! The weather is good today,the sun shines very good, i think that it is begining real spring. i like spring very much, because weather wake up after it winter sleep. In Russia we told that spring is a season of love. And i think it is really, heart begin to beat so strong, and feelings begin more and more stronger... I understood you about your money. I will wait you as long as you want! But i do not want to wait for so long time, because i really, really fallen in love with you! You are very sweet for me! Yesterday i met my friend on the street, she is my best friend. I did not see her for 3-4 weeks, she was in the other city. We spoke with her about many things, and when i told her that i found man of my dream, she was so happy for me. She could not believe me that i found you through Internet. I promised her to show her your picture, can i? All my family, all my friend are so happy for me, and i can not believe my happiness!!! Write me as soon as you can, ok? Every hour without your letter begin very long and boring for me!! Miss you already, your love yana P.S.I have special picture for you, i hope you like it!


Hello, my dear Bill!
This is me Yana! How are you today? I am so sorry that i could not write you earlier, i so worried about you and i so terribly missed you!!! I knew how you worried about me all this days, but i really had not opportunity write letter to you. I do not want to tell you about it, but i must be truelly with you. All this days i was in hospital. Oh, how i feel bad all this days because of my illness. I was so bad without you... I have caught a cold in the street (though I put on rather warmly) and I had very high temperature of a body. The doctors worried for me, my parents worried for me too. I needed to pass a rate of intensive treatment. But this treatment costed very expensive for me. If I have not passed this treatment, my health would be threatened still with the large danger. Now I am at home, but under the constant control of the doctors. And now I pay the very large money for medicines which I accept. I am very grateful to mine the mum for that that she has found for me money to pay my treatment. I very strongly worried for you all these days and it was very heavy without you. If you were near to me, it would be much better. Today I feel myself not so well, but I have come in the Internet of cafe to write to you the letter, because I know as strongly you worry for me and miss without me and my letters. I want to ask you about the help. You know, my mum has borrowed(occupied) of money for my treatment, but is speed(faster) (in 2-3 days) I should return all this money back. I asked to wait for them slightly, you see when I to go on work, approximately in one month or more I can give back this money. But people at which my mum took money have told that I need to give back them money in 2-3 days. And now I do not know that to me to do(make). Therefore I want to ask you about the help. I know that for you it too very large money, but I believe and I hope that you can to me help. I need to return 4200 roubles (approximately 140 $). You know, I have nobody more to address behind the help, you are for me the unique(sole) man to which I I very strongly trust also which love. I hope that you will understand me correctly and will help me. You can think that I use you to receive money from you, you very strongly are mistaken. I love you am very strong! You for me are best all over the world. Well, i will finish for now, and will have a rest, ok? I will wait for your letter very soon, my lovely! Miss you so terribly, Your love forever and always, Yana


Hello lovely Bill!
How are you today? I am fine and so glad to got letter from you now, and thank you so much that you decided to help wiht money. I feel not so good today, but i so glad that you care about me! My dear Bill, i had not opportunity to write you long letter, because of my health. I learned today how you can send me money quickly, i went to the bank and they told me that you can send me money through the system Western Union. They told me that you need my name and address. My full name is Melnichuk Yana . As i wrote to you i must give them money back in 2-3 days, they told me in bank that this system is very safely and quickly for sending money. I so missed you yesterday, dear Bill, and all my thoughts was only about you. And i want to say you thank you for your help once more time. I so love you, Bill! Your love forever and always, Yana


Hello, my dear Bill!
How are you today? I am ok now, and so glad get letter from you today. About you money, i recieved your money yesterday, it did not take much to get money, and think that Western Union is a very good system for sending money. My dear Bill, i want to say you thank you once more time for your help, you are very nice and care man! I woke up today little later, because i want to sleep. And now i am in the Internet cafe and with great pleasure write letter to you. I love you too more strong than you, i think so. I thought about you last days very often, i imagined myself that i come to you, you meet me in the airport with bouqets of roses, and i was so lucky to see you face yo face!!! And you will kiss me first time, it will be so unforgatable time for me... My dear Bill, how i was glad that i found you through the Inernet, and you wrote me first time... Bill, i hope that doctors will allow me come to you soon, because i really decided come to see you, do you want to see me? You know, i must go now home, i will write you as soon as i can, ok? Write me when you will have opportunity, ok? Your love forever and always, Yana


Good morning, good day, good everning! (I don't know what time it is by your watch). First of all I want to say you, my friend, that you don't have send me the money. This money was given me by my father. It is OK. He knows that Yana is in hospital now and I go to her every day. He knows that we as sisters with Yana. I was in hospital in the morning, and want to say you that Yana have started to feel herself better. I have promise her that I check her mail and if there are any letters from you I print it and bring it to her. I have printed you letter and think that Yana will like it. And one more thing: It would be better if you will send money for fruits and juice (do you remember i have told you about vitamins?). You have send any much money you want (200-250$). All this will be sent for tablets and vitamins. If you want you can send money to my name: Last name:Valieva First name:Ekaterina . If you want you can send money to Yana. I think information about her you know already. OK. I am looking forward to your next letter for print it to Yana. You friend ekaterina. Sorry but I have buy some fruits and juice for Yana and will say that it is special from you.OK?


Hello, my dear Bill!
How are you today? I am fine and so glad to get letter from you now! the weather is not so good today(it is raining all day long) and i glad to get letter from you. I got your letter in the morning and when i read all that you wrote me, i was glad about all this things. But it is very pity that your idea did not work. But i understood from your letter that you mother can help us to meet, am i right? I am so glad about it, tell hi from me to you mum, ok? When i got your letter today in the morning, i went to my aunt, who work in the travel firm. I come back from her about half-hour ago. When i come to my aunt, she was so glad to see me and asked me if i ready fly to you, i told her YES. I asked her about prices for tickets and visa. She explain me about everything. She checked flghts, and when she look at price i was so glad about it. My aunt can order me ticketfor 955.00$.(tell me your nearest airport, i need to know it, ok?). I thought that it is one way ticket, but my aunt told me that it is two-way tickets. And she told me also that we can sell second ticket for 570$, when i will with you. I think it is so great, and it is more cheapest. I am so glad about it! By the way, my aunt send you her hi, and she want to tell you to care about me, and she asked me tell you do not worry about my tickets nd visa(and other documets). She will help me at all, and i so happy about it. So, you must tell me, can i order this tickets? Because i need to book this tickest soon. We can not lose such great opportunity to buy ticket. Am i right? And about visa, i will need visa type B-2 About this visa : B-2 - Tourist Visa This visa enables foreign nationals to travel and vacation temporarily in the U.S. Such trips cannot involve employment, and the length of stay may be up to one year. YOu will see it is the best way for us. And i so glad that you find money for my trip to you, and i want to say you once more time how strong i love you, my dear Bill! And how strong i want to be with you, to feel you near me... So, about visa, this type of visa(with documents+foreigh passport) will cost 350-400$. To order my visa will take 2-3 weeks, but i beleive that my aunt can help me to get it better. So, i need 1,300-1,350$ for all my trip to you, my aunt told me that it is very cheap for us, because very soon prices will go up, and all things will cost more expensive. I asked her about how i can book my tickets, she told me that she will help me with this tickets. Tell me about all that i wrote you, I think that the best way for us to buy this tickets frist of all, and later i can order my visa. Let me know about it. I so love you, my dear Bill, and every day i look at the calendar and can not wait the day when i will see you first time! Every day without you begin very boring, but i tell myself that we will be together and we will HAPPIEST PEOPLE ALL OVER THE WORLD!!! WRite me as soon as you can, ok? Miss you terrlibly, my dear Bill and can not wait to see you and your next letter! YOUR LOVE FOREVER AND ALWAYS, Yana


Hello my dear Bill!
how are you mt dear Bill? I am fine today, and so sorry that i could not write you last days. I was little busy with my house, but today everyting ok my lovely Bill, and i so glad that i have many free time now to spend it with you my lovely Bill! As i wrote you, i am fine today and my leg is ok too. So i need not worry about it no more time. My dear Bill, you asked me to send you my picture, i am so sorry that i can not send it to you now, i will need to find my picture and need to find place where i can scan it. I will do it very soon, ok my lovely? the weather is not very bad today, it is little warm, and i like such weather very much. My dear Bill, i understood all your feelings, when i did not write you, i understood how strong you worried about me and missed me. I hope that you had not thought about that i can broke your heart, my dear Bill, i want to say i can not broke your heart, because i LOVE YOU my DEAR Bill! And my feelings to you grow now more and more, i know that it is hard to believe that my feelings grow now to you, but is true, i can not imagine my life now without you my sweet Bill. I should tell that i waste money you sent me for tickets, but i have little money now, i have about 200$, and i have visa and passport, that is great i think. i hate myself that i could not come to visit you last time, i promised you my lovely Bill, but i think that you will forgive me that i could not come to you. My dear Bill, i hardly waiting to see you someday really, that is why i will go for my work very soon, may be tomorrow, because i need money to pay for tickets and i WILL do everything i can to earn this money. I know that you wait me to come to you, and i can promise you that i will do it, i do not know only when, i think that may on November. I wish to fly to you and be near to you now, but you so far away from me my lovely Bill! please write me as soon as you can, ok? i miss you terribly Bill! All my kisses for you Bill! Your love forever and always, Yana

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Отправлено 22 January 2023 - 07:26 PM

Проще всегда писать шаблоны самому. Можно просто прочитать некоторые, для понятия как вести человека. Но не стоит писать такие шаблоны как тут. Потому что они все сразу выкупают. Проще написать не большие и с некоторым смыслом. Потому что никто и никогда не будет читать ваши киллометры письма. Как уже говорилось 100 раз, не изобритайте велосипед. Его уже давно изобрели.

#4 Топор


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Отправлено 26 January 2023 - 10:40 PM

в соседнем топике меня спросили о шаблонах Вот выложил для изучения мемберов которые только начинают заниматься скамом. То есть данные шаблоны всего лишь для ознакомления

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Отправлено 01 February 2023 - 03:20 PM


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Отправлено 06 February 2023 - 04:56 PM

эти шаблоны уже задрочены, подкиньте новых

#7 PeenBaina

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Отправлено 11 February 2023 - 10:13 PM

Hello. And Bye. Hello. And Bye
#56987 58 #7892348 #132

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Отправлено 13 February 2023 - 07:51 AM

мне друг посоветовал эту статью

#9 cigannik

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Отправлено 16 February 2023 - 12:03 AM

новые есть там а ?

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Отправлено 21 February 2023 - 12:39 AM

Девчата, предлагаю в отдельной теме собрать список досок бесплатных объявлений http://makhachkala.sopta.ru Доска объявлений Махачкала, опубликование объявлений бесплатно без регистрации на доске http://avito.ru Доска объявлений России, часть разделов платная часть бесплатная, на сайте регистрация http://irr.ru Доска объявлений в России, платные и бесплатные разделы, продажа товаров и услуг http://baraholka.com.ru Барахолка России, размещение с регистрацией бесплатно http://barahla.net Российская Барахолка, размещение с регистрацией на доске, бесплатно Прошу пополнить список досок объявлений

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Отправлено 25 February 2023 - 10:20 PM

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hgweuihgiaefabgjhfjenfsebgksjd giejrowig http://gkjfwuhf.tuop

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Отправлено 28 February 2023 - 11:35 PM

Agiejwdoq ojeow oeqw qjirj qioj qoi fjiofj ajfkldfqi jqiofj
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